Welcome Oregon families

Adopting from foster care is the hardest most life-changing, remarkable thing you might ever do.

"Imagine a world where the cry of every child is met by a loving, compassionate adult."

- Dr. Karyn Purvis, Karyn Purvis Institute of Child Development


Are you preauthorized?

Family Profile Form & en español

Only preauthorized Oregon families can access OARE.

Don't worry! You can still view children & youth available for guardianship or adoption on the Northwest Adoption Exchange.

Go to NWAE

Prepare passionately!

This adoption or guardianship journey is not for the faint of heart. Read. Watch. Learn. Seek out many hours of free training and education around trauma, grief & loss and the other vulnerabilities & perspectives of kids in care so you are prepared and ready to meet their needs.

Are you still in?

Good! We hoped you would be. Every Oregon child deserves a family who is relentlessly committed to their well being. If your family is already preauthorized to use OARE, please complete a Family Profile Form & en español. (You must submit a family profile FIRST to use OARE.) Otherwise, learn more below.

Contact Oregon's hotline to explore fostering & adoption options:



Adopting directly through the Oregon Department of Human Services is FREE!

Or, work with an approved private Special Needs Adoption Coalition (SNAC) agency:

Please contact each SNAC agency directly to learn about their adoption fees.

Live in another state?

Please visit AdoptUSKids to learn more about adoption in your state.

Interested in private infant or international adoption?

Please visit Oregon's Coalition of Adoption Agencies (COAA) licensed to provide private infant or international adoption services.

Are you preauthorized?

Family Profile Form & en español

Only preauthorized Oregon families can access OARE.

Don't worry! You can still view children & youth available for guardianship or adoption on the Northwest Adoption Exchange.

Go to NWAE